Full Description of Service
South Central Transit (SCT) provides public transportation through a demand-response and deviated shuttle route, non-emergency service.
SCT’s service area includes the counties of Marion, Jefferson, Clinton, Washington, Franklin, and Perry.
SCT’s office hours are 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday-Friday. Scheduled transportation is available Monday through Friday as follows:
Centralia 5:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Nashville 9:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M
Salem 5:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Breese 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Mt. Vernon 5:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Carlyle 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Benton 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. W. Frankfort 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
DuQuoin 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Deviated Shuttle Services – SCT shuttle services listed below. For more information about pick up locations and times, please call 1-800-660-7433. Hearing Impaired dial 711. Or you may view all deviated shuttle brochures on www.southcentraltransit.org. Money Cards can be purchased from an SCT driver or at any SCT office. Seating on the bus is limited and on a first come, first serve basis.
Clinton County
Franklin County
Olive – Franklin / Jefferson County (Continental Tire & RLC)
Rangers – Benton & West Frankfort Intra-City Route
Jefferson County
Lincoln 1 & 2 – Mt. Vernon Intra-City Route
Washington 1 & 2 - Mt. Vernon Intra-City Route
Reagan - Mt. Vernon /Woodlawn /Ashley /Nashville (factories)
Marion County
Cards 1 - 4 – Centralia Intra-City Route
Marlins – Sandoval /Odin /Salem /Marion County Courthouse
Yankees – Centralia /Irvington /Richview /Ashley/Nashville (factories)
Perry County
Maple - Du Quoin/Pinckneyville/Nashville (Washington County Courthouse & factories)
Oak – Du Quoin /Pinckneyville /Cutler /Steeleville Gilster Plants
Walnut – Du Quoin /Sesser /Waltonville/Mt. Vernon (Continental Tire)
Chestnut - Du Quoin / Pinckneyville / Carbondale / SIU
Our offices are closed on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day Columbus Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Veterans Day
Presidents Day Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day Christmas Eve
Labor Day Christmas Day
Door-to-door service is available per customer request. Passengers must request service through the dispatching department at the time of scheduling transportation. With door-to-door service, the SCT driver (or escort) assists the passenger from the door of the pick-up point to the SCT vehicle and from the SCT vehicle to the door of the destination point. Under no circumstances will the driver be allowed to enter a client’s residence or apartment building beyond the first outer door or ground floor lobby and, therefore, cannot perform any personal services for the client. Door-to-door service is provided as long as conditions make it safe to do so.
Curb-to-curb service is provided unless door-to-door service is requested. Curb-to-Curb service is provided to passengers who have purchased a discounted monthly pass, and/or daily fare clients. With curb-to-curb service, the SCT vehicle stops at the curb for passenger pick-ups and deliveries. SCT driver will assist passengers boarding and de-boarding the vehicle as long as passenger has requested assistance.
Customers must call 1-800-660-7433 a minimum of one day in advance to schedule transportation. SCT will not guarantee reservations taken past 3:30 P.M. the day before service is required. Customers receiving same-day service will pay “same-day service” fare of $5.00 per trip inside city limits of cities served. Same day service outside city limits, please contact the dispatching department for additional information.
The dispatcher will not be responsible for confirming appointments with doctors, etc. A pick-up or delivery time may be adjusted by the dispatcher/scheduler, if necessary, in order to maintain efficiency; therefore, riders are encouraged to be ready 15 minutes prior to a scheduled pick-up time. Drivers will wait no longer than five (5) minutes past arrival time before proceeding.
In an effort to coordinate and distribute services to the greatest number of people in our service area, the following policies will be implemented:
SCT encourages and appreciates patrons who cancel in a timely manner. Cancellations should be received 24 hours in advance or as early as possible to give other consumers the opportunity to schedule into that time slot. SCT understands that emergency situations do arise that prevent a full 24-hour notice, and will accept cancellations up to 2 hours prior to the scheduled pick up time without penalty; however, clients are strongly encouraged to call as early as possible for cancellations.
- Cancellations must be received a minimum of two hours prior to the scheduled pick up time. This can be achieved by either contacting the dispatching/scheduling staff during normal business hours (5:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.) or through SCT’s voice mail system, which is available during non-business hours.
This policy is intended to encourage early cancellation of services so that others may have the opportunity to fully utilize SCT’s services.
SCT encourages all clients to call in to cancel transportation services as described above, however, to avoid excessive cancellations which prevent fair and equitable use of the transportation system by all clients, an excessive cancellation policy will be implemented as follows:
- SCT personnel will monitor weekly activities of all scheduled vs. cancelled rides. Clients observed to have six (6) cancellations within any 30-day rolling period would receive a written warning via mail.
- Those clients who have received the written notification and who have in excess of six (6) cancellations in any future 30-day rolling period following the notification, will be subject to service suspension.
Cash/Money Card Fares – inside the city limits of the cities we serve.
All passengers must comply with SCT’s fare policy. Fares must be paid upon boarding. SCT does not allow charging or post dating of checks.
Seniors (60 & over) $. 50
(except Mt. Vernon which is subsidized by a senior agency – contact the SCT dispatch office for further assistance)
Adults (18-59) $2.00
Children (5-17) $2.00
Children 4 and under ride free with adult ------
Disability with ID $. 50 (must show ID at every boarding)
Military/Veteran $. 50 (see below for details)
Same day service $5.00
Shuttle Deviation $ .50
Shuttle Fare County $2.00
Card can be purchased in full or in part. This card will be good for all SCT services and is non-expiring. Each card contains 2-$10.00 squares for purchase and 1-$30.00 square for purchase for a total of $50.00. ***Purchase of the full card will entitle purchaser to receive $8.00 in additional monies via card value. Purchaser will receive 4 additional $1.00 squares and 8 additional $.50 squares for a total of $8.00 in discounts. No further discounts are available.
Card can be purchased in full or in part. This card will be good for all SCT services and is non-expiring. Each card contains 2-$10.00 squares for purchase and 1-$30.00 square for purchase for a total of $50.00. All Military, veterans, disabled and seniors qualify for the $30.00 square to be discounted ½ price or $15.00. No discounts are available on the $10.00 squares. Full card purchase with qualifications listed below for anyone in this category is $35.00.
Persons with Disabilities – Clients will be responsible to show a State issued Disability ID along with money card each time he/she boards. No purchase discount will be given without the State issued ID.
Military/Veterans – Clients will be responsible to show DD214 papers or Military/Veterans ID card along with money card each time he/she boards. No purchase discount will be given without DD214 papers or an ID.
Seniors (60 & over) – Client will be responsible to show ID along with money card each time he/she boards.
***OUTSTANDING FEES*** - Money Cards can be used to pay any outstanding fees.
SCT will continue with monthly passes for school children throughout the school year.
Countywide Service within any SCT county from curb/door - $10.00 per trip per person (Seniors, Disabled and Military/Veterans will receive discount through purchase of a money card. Please see above)
SCT County to adjoining SCT County from curb/door - $20.00 per trip per person (Seniors, Disabled and Military/Veterans will receive discount through purchase of a money card. Please see above)
Same day service for countywide or county to adjoining county add $5.00 per trip per person.
Same day service inside the city limits of the cities we serve is $5.00 each way.
Mini-Van - $1.25 per mile/$18.00 hr wait time
11-14 Passenger - $1.50 per mile/$18.00 hr wait time
16 passenger & above - $1.75 per mile/$18.00 hr wait time
Mileage is charged for every mile the bus drives-loaded or unloaded. Wait time begins upon arrival at the destination and is charged until bus is in motion back to original pick up location.
$35.00 to $50.00 per hour per vehicle if mileage is not substantial but time involved is. Hourly rate starts from the time a driver clocks in until the driver clocks out.
SCT drivers will assist passengers in loading and unloading their groceries/packages on and off the vehicle at customer request.
Counties may have designated grocery days. On designated grocery days, if requested, drivers will assist passengers with their packages/groceries from the vehicle to the first outer door of their residence or building. Passengers have an 8 bag limit on grocery days.
On non grocery days passengers are responsible for getting their packages from the vehicle to their home or building. Aides may accompany a paying passenger at no extra charge to assist the client with packages. For safety reasons and for the consideration of other passengers, SCT must insist on a limit of 8 total grocery bags or items on non grocery days.
SCT will not be responsible for checking/signing persons in or out of any facility.
SCT requires all passengers to be courteous and considerate of other passengers, staff, and the driver. Instructions from a driver are to be followed by all passengers. Behavior that may affect the safety of other passengers or the driver or create a safety hazard to other passengers/drivers or others will not be tolerated. Continued carriage of such persons or groups will be decided on a case by case basis, and may require the presence of one or more attendants to be provided by the family/residential or daycare facility/social welfare/health care agency as appropriate.
SCT requires ALL passengers to wear a seatbelt. Drivers will be more than happy to assist you in securing the seatbelts. Please advise the driver accordingly. It is the responsibility of parents to secure children ages 2 and under.
Inappropriate behavior such as eating, drinking, use of tobacco products, foul language, lack of personal hygiene, disruptive behavior, bothering of other passengers, horseplay, fighting, carrying of weapons, possession of illegal drugs or substances or having open containers of alcohol on the vehicle will result in the passenger being suspended from riding SCT vehicles.
Any person(s) who is found to loiter at a pick up point specifically for the purpose of making the driver wait the full 5 minutes before boarding may be suspended from service.
SCT reserves the right to refuse service to any individual violating these policies.
In this policy, a no-show is defined as the act of a person who, having scheduled a trip, changes his/her mind about making the trip but does not cancel the appointment within the 2 hour prior time frame or allowing the vehicle to arrive but not boarding it.
The purpose of this policy is to set forth the procedure for informing users of South Central Transit about the importance of scheduling service appointments and of properly canceling those services a minimum of 2 hours in advance should services no longer be needed. Any rider who fails to cancel at least two hours prior to their scheduled service will be considered a no-show. It is also to let consumers know that an established pattern of no-shows may result in suspension of services.
When a person has scheduled services, he/she has the responsibility to be ready a minimum of 15 minutes early and to board the vehicle no later than 5 minutes after it arrives or to cancel the trip within a reasonable period of time, i.e. a minimum of two hours or more before the scheduled pick-up time. Services cancelled after the two hour prior to service time line will be considered a no-show.
South Central Transit will maintain records in order to keep track of no-show incidents. If you are a “No-Show” all subsequent trips for that day will be automatically cancelled unless you telephone South Central Transit and confirm that you still need your other trips at the time that the no show occurs.
Client information will be reviewed on a monthly basis. Clients determined to have chronic no-show problems may be suspended for up to three months to allow room for those clients who really need and will use the service. Determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis and are at the sole discretion of South Central Transit.
All new riders should expect to show a picture ID at the time of his/her first boarding for identification purposes. Riders may, at any time, be required to show a picture ID upon request to verify identification.
Any rider who creates alias names in the system in order to avoid paying penalty fees will be permanently removed from service based upon a determination of fraud to the District.
Subscription services are intended for those individuals who use the service from one destination to another destination at the same time and on the same days of the week. These services eliminate the need for a client to call in on a daily/weekly basis to schedule rides except in the case of a cancellation. Holding a subscription service is a privilege as there are a limited number of subscription services available. If you have a subscription service and no-show three times within a rolling 60-day period, your subscription service will be canceled and offered to another passenger. In addition, all no-show fees will apply. You will not be considered for subscription services again for a period of one year.
No-shows that occur because of an emergency situation beyond the customer’s control will be considered a “non-chargeable” no-show, provided the customer can offer an explanation with documentation. A “non-chargeable” no-show can only occur one time within any calendar year.
SCT is committed to being responsive to passenger perceptions about our services. We encourage your comments and recommendations. Please forward all recommendations and/or complaints to the following address:
Customer Service
South Central Transit
1616 E. McCord Street
Centralia, IL 62801
You may also e-mail Pam DeMaris at pdemaris@southcentraltransit.org or by contacting 618-532-8076 x 120.
SCT solicits both positive and negative input from our passengers. All comments and complaints will be handled in a timely and efficient manner. Response to complaints and/or comments will usually be handled within a 24-hour period.
SCT is responsible for providing clean, reliable, safe and efficient service to our passengers. SCT is not responsible for any articles left on its vehicles, however, SCT maintains a lost and found box in its offices, and individuals may call our offices regarding these items. Clients are responsible for getting lost or stolen items. SCT is responsible for abiding by the policies detailed in other sections of this service policy.
SCT has insurance coverages that exceed legally mandated minimums. SCT is regulated by State and Federal guidelines. These guidelines are met and, in most instances, are exceeded. SCT also maintains a drug and alcohol free workplace through a federally mandated drug/alcohol-testing program.
SCT has stringent guidelines for maintaining all of our vehicles. SCT is committed to keeping all vehicles and equipment properly maintained and in safe working order.
SCT drivers are properly trained and licensed in accordance with state and federal laws. SCT drivers receive quarterly/annually training in safety including, emergency procedures, seat belt and mobility device tie-down procedures, evacuation procedures, First Aid, and CPR.
SCT drivers inspect their vehicles on a daily basis through the use of a Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection forms. A certified mechanic immediately addresses any problems noted.
South Central Transit does allow for transportation of animals, other than service animals, if the client has complied with the following requirements:
- When scheduling the ride the client informs dispatching/scheduling that an animal will be brought on the bus.
- The animal is in a pet taxi or an approved, secure carrier.
- The client will be solely responsible for loading and unloading the animal into the carrier and onto the SCT vehicle. Removal of the animal from the SCT vehicle after reaching the destination point.
- The client will be solely responsible for cleaning up after the animal.
- The client follows the driver’s instructions regarding the animal’s transportation.
At no time will any animal other than a service animal, be transported without being in an approved, secured containment device.
Service animals will be required to remain on the floor and out of the aisle area of the bus. The client utilizing the service animal will be responsible for the conduct of the service animal.
SCT will not operate its vehicles during severe foul weather or when roads are icy or unsafe. Should SCT limit services due to inclement weather, updates will be provided here on our website www.southcentraltransit.org and on our Facebook and Instagram pages. If you have any questions regarding your service please contact the scheduling office at 800-660-7433.
Patrons are invited to join our email alert system and be notified of changes to their usual service. http://southcentraltransit.org/subscribe-to-sct/
SCT drivers are thoroughly trained in emergency evacuation procedures in the event of an accident. Basic procedures include: following driver’s instructions, remaining calm, implementing an orderly evacuation of the vehicle if warranted, staying off the roadway in a safe location until further notification, not smoking near the vehicle and calling for emergency response if required.
Passengers are responsible for notifying the driver if they or another passenger are ill, injured, or in distress while on the vehicle.
SCT is an equal opportunity employer. Equal employment shall be practiced without regard to race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap unrelated to ability, political affiliation or unfavorable discharge from military service.
SCT is proud to be a part of the community. We encourage your comments and suggestions. For further information please contact 1-800-660-7433, visit our website (www.southcentraltransit.org) or write:
South Central Transit
1616 East McCord Street
Centralia, IL 62801
SCT reserves the right to make changes to this policy without notice.