DID YOU KNOW: That in 2003 SCCTD and SCT teamed up to link the two transportation systems together.
SCT’s Gold Finch runs Monday – Friday with buses departing from the New Baden City Park and Kokomo Joe’s going westbound to the Scott-Shiloh MetroLink Station. There are shuttles at 5:18 a.m. to 5:44 a.m. and again at 6:18 a.m. Eastbound return services from Scott-Shiloh Station are from 4:25 p.m., 5:01 p.m. and again at 5:36 p.m.
SCT fares are $2.00 per trip/person. SCT fare plus a transfer ticket to MetroLink or MetroBus are $3.00 or a $72.00 monthly pass is available.
SCT also operates the Purple Martin Public Shuttle in Clinton County which includes stops at the New Baden City Park at 6:55 a.m. and 5:05 p.m. Additional stops on the Purple Martin Shuttle are made in the cities of Trenton, Aviston, Breese, Beckemeyer and Carlyle.
So if you’re riding, walking or biking we invite you to get on board the Gold Finch for continued transportation to SCCTD Metro Services.