Notice of Public Hearing
South Central IL Mass Transit District
RE: Operating Assistance Grant Application to provide public transportation to a six-county district.
I. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the South Central IL Mass Transit District.
Date: March 16, 2017
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Room: Board Room
Place: SCT Transportation Center, 100 N. Locust Street, Centralia, IL 62801
For the purpose of considering a project for which financial assistance is being sought from the Illinois Department of Transportation, pursuant to its Operating Assistance Grants Program. The project is generally described as follows:
- Project Description: Operating assistance to provide general public transportation to the Illinois counties of Marion, Clinton, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Perry.
- Relocation: Relocation Assistance will not be required.
- Environment: This project is being implemented to minimize environmental impacts.
- Comprehensive Planning: This project is in conformance with comprehensive transportation planning in the area.
- Elderly and Handicapped: Service provided under this project will be accessible to the elderly and handicapped.
II. At the hearing, the South Central IL Mass Transit District will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and recommendations with respect to said project.
III. The South Central IL Mass Transit District requests that any hearing impaired person wishing to attend this Public Hearing notify Vicki Clift at 618-532-8076 x103 at least one week before the scheduled hearing date so that arrangements can be made to provide an interpreter.
IV. A copy of the FY18 budget is posted on SCT’s website www.southcentraltransit or may be viewed at the location listed below. A copy of the completed application for a state grant for the proposed project will be made available for public inspection at this public hearing, or, after the public hearing the application may be reviewed by contacting the following individual: Vicki Clift, South Central Transit, 1616 E. McCord Street Centralia, IL 62801, 618-532-8076 x103.