We are excited to announce that beginning Monday, February 4, 2019 we are expanding our services to include a new deviated public shuttle route between Clinton and Washington Counties. The Blue Jay Shuttle will operate Monday – Friday and includes predetermined stops and times in Breese, Beckemeyer, Carlyle, Posey and Nashville. Fare will be $2.00 per person/per trip. Route deviations are available up to 3/4 mile to pick up passengers who are unable to access a shuttle stop. A 24-hour notice is required to reserve a seat for a route deviation along with an additional .50 cent fare. To view or download and print the Blue Jay shuttle route brochure click the following link. http://southcentraltransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Blue-Jay-Route-2-4-2019.pdf
Please feel free to contact our dispatch/scheduling office at 800-660-7433 with any questions.